Source code for scsgate.reactor

""" This module contains the definition of the Reactor class.
This one is useful when dealing with concurrent access to the SCSGate
device """

import queue
import threading

from scsgate.tasks import MonitorTask, ExecutionError

[docs]class Reactor(threading.Thread): """ Allows concurrent access to the SCSGate device """ def __init__(self, connection, handle_message, logger=None): """ Initialize the instance Arguments connection: a scsgate.Connection object handle_message: callback function to invoke whenever a new message is received logger: instance of logger """ threading.Thread.__init__(self) self._connection = connection self._handle_message = handle_message self._terminate = False self._logger = logger self._request_queue = queue.Queue()
[docs] def run(self): """ Starts the thread """ task = None monitor_task = MonitorTask( notification_endpoint=self._handle_message) while True: if self._terminate:"scsgate.Reactor exiting") self._connection.close() break try: task = self._request_queue.get_nowait() self._logger.debug("scsgate.Reactor: got task {}".format(task)) except queue.Empty: task = monitor_task try: task.execute(connection=self._connection) except ExecutionError as err: self._logger.error(err)
[docs] def stop(self): """ Blocks the thread, performs cleanup of the associated connection """ self._terminate = True
[docs] def append_task(self, task): """ Adds a tasks to the list of the jobs to execute """ self._request_queue.put(task)